A note from Jenna:
"I am looking forward to sharing this space with you!
I can't wait to hear your amazing results, synchronicities and manifestations!
That is one of my favorite parts of having the honor of being your guide - receiving your messages of excitement of what just manifested in your world!
See you soon through Zoom, What's App or Telegram!"
You are going to absolutely love a one on one transformational distance Reiki Session with me!
In this special 45 minute session we do several things:
- First we quickly chat about what is stressing you out and then I guide you to switching your focus on what you actually want to see in your world and you start transforming your energy as you let go of these blocks
- We get you in a higher vibe as I guide you on your own individualized relaxing, guided Meditation - calling to you what you want to see more of in your world
- You then move into your relaxing and rejuvenating 30 minutes of distance Reiki session
By the end of our 45 minutes together you will have begun to ...
- awake feeling calm, centered, peaceful, clear minded, uplifted & harmonious
- Shift the way that you see your world - from what is stressing you out to focusing on what you actually want to bring in to your world
- Call those vibes in to your world with your distance Reiki session
- Release your energetic blockages in real time
YES! You really can experience all of this and more in just one distance Reiki session with me, Reiki Master & Mindset Calibration Guide, Jenna Partridge!
When you make your payment to book your spot I will be in touch with in 24 hours to book a date in the calendar with you.
I look forward to seeing your energy shift by the end of our time together!